Top Four Richest Musicians In The World

With the past year wrapped up, it’s always fun to see if the list of the top 10 most wealthy musicians has changed or completely shifted. The data for this year is in, so it’s time for an update. Just remember, these values and fluctuations are estimations based on a host of variables and publicly available documents, but they’ve got to be pretty close! Here are the richest musicians in the world.

  1. Julio Iglesias

Net Worth: $600 Million

Julio is one of the top 10 record sellers in history, selling over 250 million albums worldwide. As you can imagine, his awards are too numerous to list. His first album was released in 1969 and he’s rarely missed a year releasing another with the most recent being in 2017.

There’s hardly a country on the planet in which he hasn’t been named the most popular artist. In addition to these album sales, it’s said he’s performed over 5000 concerts.

  1. Bono

Net Worth: $700 Million

Bono is a strange one. The lead singer of U2, Bono is straight killing it by marketing himself as the guy who wears those glasses while caring about eco and social activist issues. I can make jokes all day long, but the fact is, Bono is a boss. Beyond his work as a singer-songwriter and musician, he is also a venture capitalist, philanthropist, and general businessman. He’s such a huge figure for the Irish people (and unapologetically outspoken) that he’s been the target of terrorist threats and actions. Like many on this list, Bono has been awarded a knighthood.

  1. Celine Dion

Net Worth: $800 Million

There’s no wonder that Ms. Dion is on the top 10 list. She’s the top wealthiest music artist in Canada of all time after selling over 200 million records! After her smash hit on the Titanic soundtrack, she took advantage, launched the popularity of auto-tune (for better or worse), and rode that wave straight to the top 10 list!

She has released albums in French and English, won countless contests and awards, and has the record for the highest concert residency of all time, where in Las Vegas she can command $500,000 per show. Take that info and do this math: she’s performed her 1000th show in Las Vegas in 2016.

  1. Herb Alpert

Net Worth: $880 Million

Hubert Alpert (and the Tijuana Brass band) have released five #1 albums and 28 total albums on the Billboard charts. His other notables awards are 9 Grammy’s, 14 certified Platinum albums, and 15 more Gold albums.

His total sales are over 72 million worldwide! Alpert is the “A” in A&M Records, which undoubtedly contributes to his unbelievable riches (he sold it in 1987 for a reported $500 million along side his partner Jerry Moss). They later sued for a breach of contract, receiving an additional $200 million. His other ventures have included professional sculpting and a line of perfume, which he likens to music with its “high notes and low notes.”